D.J. Trischler

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Designer Coffee: May 2020

Leonetto Cappiello, 1924

I was reluctant to hop on another Zoom call (Zoom fatigue is real). However, I’m glad I joined Jessica, Nick, and Manfred today for our monthly conversation about how we’re doing and what we’re up to. What was most encouraging about the call was witnessing what my creative confidants are making and discovering in their studios. All four of us are adding new tools to our tool belts. Nick’s learning Blender, Jess is tackling Adobe Premier, Manfred is teaching himself After Effects, and I’ve been dabbling with Procreate/Fresco to collage. We’re lucky that we can use this time to reflect, sharpen, and produce. Not everyone has that luxury. And, many of those who do have the opportunity, don’t always take the time to slow down; grow. I’m appreciative of my comrades who can’t help but make and discover, even when there are a million and one legitimate excuses not to.

Here are a few important takeaways from our time together: 

  • Blender is a practical way to construct lifelike perspectives in your drawings. (via Nick)

  • Reminder to us all: Upcharge projects you don’t want to take so that if you do win and accept the work, it’s worth the time you’re divesting from the projects you’d prefer to tend to. (via Nick) 

  • A couple of us have applied for PPP loans. Call your bank!

  • Nick designed the new bike (and topographic map) on the new-ish Fat Tire packaging. 

  • Teachable pays better than other online learning platforms. Jess learned about Teachable in her quest to distribute her own course(s). Stay tuned! It’s going to be awesome. 

  • Good Flag, Bad Flag is a short book about flag design. One of the more memorable lines from the book is, “In every bad flag, there’s a good flag trying to get out.” (via D.J., via Roman Mars)

  • Jess shared about how start-ups love to rapidly iterate their logos post-approval, often going through multiple designers. I take that as a reminder to not hold too tightly to our logos (especially for start-ups) as if they’re precious. Also? Let’s be more like Paul Rand and charge for solutions, whether the client uses them or not. 

  • We spent a few moments critiquing the proliferation of optimistic branding and advertising out there right now that uses language like, “We’re all in this together,” and “In these [insert here] times…” Several of us voiced a desire for more honest and practical messages. Apparently, we’re not alone…

  • Domestika is an excellent place to learn After Effects. (via Manfred)

  • Manfred recently finished off another series of 30 days of type. The results are beautiful.

  • What happens when you do passion projects without the expectation of financial gains? It may actually turn into something like this project by Patrick McCue. (via Nick)

  • Someone (we think Joe Rogan) said, “Even if you have a solid job, anything can happen. Doing your own thing equals more freedom.” (via Nick)

  • Lastly, here’s a quote from The Onion. “Despite my high hopes, the most devastating crisis of my life hasn’t turned out to be the catalyst I needed to meet all of my long-held personal goals…” Read more here. (via Jess)


Jess, Me (D.J.), Nick, and Manfred