D.J. Trischler

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Designer Coffee: June 2020

Close up of the design process.

We got pretty deep today (no surprise considering what's happening in the world and America right now). Rather than write up in-depth minutes, here's a scan of my notes (in crayon) from the June Designers lunch (below) as a digital artifact of our moment. Good luck with discerning the words and their meaning.

To help you out, here's an outline of our conversation: 

  • Chris shared stories about the 2001 protests in Cincinnati.

  • D.J. and Jess shared about embarrassing moments trying to figure out what to do regarding systemic racism.

  • Chris is working on a campaign (with PSA) that involves the slogan "liberty and justice for all [black lives]."

  • Design is essentially identifying problems and trying different solutions. It applies to your life as much as your work (via Chris). 

  • What kind of clients do we want to get behind (especially if we give our work away for free)? (via Jess)

    • Related: Chris talked about a designer’s ability to help others present themselves and clarify their message.

  • Questions to ponder from Chris (and Paula): 

    • How do we reflect on our days (to make better tomorrows)?

    • How do we fill our days with our favorite things?

    • What are our favorite things?

    • What are our chapters of life? 

    • What are my real essentials?

  • Chris talked about a visual will. That reminded me (D.J.) of Meg's project, GoodByeWaffleMaker.com.

  • Jess can schedule IG posts until the Lord returns with later.com

  • This video on racism in America (via D.J. and Jess).

June 2020 Designers Lunch Minutes


Chris, Jess, Me (D.J.)