Before You Make The Next Great App...

…talk to an expert.

That's the first or second rule of making digital products. Apps are an easy solution. There's a problem? Make an app. However, they're often far from a solution. This is the story of my app that's to never be.

I had this idea to make an app that regularly reminded people of their mortality. It was to be called mortality mentors. On it, you would read, watch, and listen to content generated by people who have low death anxiety. That means firefighters, funeral directors, nurses, morgue operators, elderly folks, and people who are dying, and many more others. They would tell you short stories daily to help you decrease your death anxiety. I even had a prototype.

But you know where this story goes. I'm not the first one to write it. Talk to anyone in tech, and chances are you'll hear about their great app and how they were humbled out of thinking it was so great. Thankfully, I found out fast without any financial investment. How? I talked to an expert on death and dying, Cole Imperi. And they basically told me that the average person wouldn't be interested in my app. More importantly, she reminded me of the value of face to face connection and community. If someone wants to confront mortality, they should sign up for meals on wheels (said the expert). Get them to spend time with older people in real life. Not online, via entertaining social content. Cole believes that people need to be more present, and nothing makes you more present than being with someone who is old and needs your help doing an everyday task.

I don't know exactly where I go next, but I'm going to try out some new directions based on Cole's insights. I'm also going to be sure to stay in touch with her as I continue my research and design project. And, on future projects, I'm going to try to find my expert even sooner.