2018 Breakthrough Annual Appeal
Design Mandates:
Needs to be clearly the third part of a series of print mailers and feel apart of the same family celebrating 25 years.
Needs to move from the familiar/nostalgic look toward to future look (tested yesterday and relevant today).
Needs to show a direct connection between the donors and the children. Thinking the images of kids could be surrounded by icons and images of the donors.
Celebrate the donor and that “we’re all in this together.”
Round 3
Envelope - A10, 9.5 inches x 6 inches
Tri-Fold Card
Outside - White lines are fold lines
Tri-fold Card Round 2
Click/tap on each see closer.
Step 1: Cover
Cover Page
Step 3: Open to inside cover and first flap
Inside Front Cover
Inside Flap
Step 3: Open card complete to full three panel spread inside
Inside Front Cover (repeated from above)
Inside Middle - Letter from Julie
Inside Flap
Step 4: Back Cover
Back Cover
Remittance Envelope Round 2
Click/tap on each see closer.
Outside - Remittance Envelope (light blue won’t be printed)
Inside - Remittance Envelope (light blue won’t be printed)