2018 Breakthrough Annual Appeal

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Design Mandates:

  • Needs to be clearly the third part of a series of print mailers and feel apart of the same family celebrating 25 years. 

  • Needs to move from the familiar/nostalgic look toward to future look (tested yesterday and relevant today).

  • Needs to show a direct connection between the donors and the children. Thinking the images of kids could be surrounded by icons and images of the donors.

  • Celebrate the donor and that “we’re all in this together.”


Round 3

Envelope - A10, 9.5 inches x 6 inches


Tri-Fold Card

Outside - White lines are fold lines


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Tri-fold Card Round 2

Click/tap on each see closer.

Step 1: Cover

Cover Page


Step 3: Open to inside cover and first flap

Inside Front Cover

Inside Flap


Step 3: Open card complete to full three panel spread inside

Inside Front Cover (repeated from above)

Inside Middle - Letter from Julie

Inside Flap

Step 4: Back Cover

Back Cover

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Remittance Envelope Round 2

Click/tap on each see closer.

Outside - Remittance Envelope (light blue won’t be printed)

Inside - Remittance Envelope (light blue won’t be printed)